Vision Earthcare (VEC) is the Premier Technology Provider providing design, specialties, project management, commissioning and O&M/AMC services for natural ecofriendly technologies developed by various Research Groups (Public and Private) variously known as Constructed Soil Filters (CSF) / Soil Bio Technology® (SBT®)/ Continuous Advanced Mite Utilizing System (CAMUS®) in the market.
VEC provides Nature-Based Technologies for Sewerage and Sanitation which includes STP/ETP, Lake/Nallah Rejuvenation, Septage Management, Leachate Treatment and Solid Waste Management. The initial technology of Constructed Soil Filters (CSF) was patented by IIT Bombay in 2002 as an outcome of research efforts from 1990s to 2000 on Pheretima Elongata GeoPhagus Earthworms and Red Soil as Bio Media. Post this research Vision Earthcare collaborated with Prof HS Shankar (hss@iitb.ac.in) to improve the process to address market imperatives. The research collaboration from 2005 to 2013 resulted in the advanced version of SBT using Hard Murrum Media around 2005. Post this vastly superior soil ecology deploying Acarine Orbatid Soil Mites and Granular Porous Natural and Artifical Bio Media being promoted as Continuous Advanced Mite Utilizing System (CAMUS). A note explaining the diference between SBT and CAMUS is outlined in this advisory by Prof H.S Shankar. Differences between CAMUS technology and SBT Technology The main improvement was a 4 fold reduction in space requirements from SBT (2sqm/KLD) to CAMUS (0.6 sqm/KLD) in 2022. Further reductions in space incidence from 0.6sqm/ KLD to 0.2sqm/KLD is underway by the VEC team.
VEC functions as a green technology firm with the mandate to create/integrate sustainable waste recycling technology alternatives by understanding the genius encoded within the earth's ecosystems, together with engineering innovations that make Sewage Treatment very simple. VEC has used the unique power of soil ecology for waste recycling called SBT®(2.0sqm/KLD) and CAMUS® (0.5sqm/KLD). Both technologies have a proven track record to treat sewage (domestic wastewater) and other industrial waste water effectively and economically with over 400 nos (with an installed capacity ~400MLD) CAMUS (300MLD) / SBT (100MLD) type Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP/STPs) have been installed across India over the last 20 years.
CAMUS® consumes less energy i.e. almost 1/3 of the conventional STPs and due to constant research the space requirements also approach conventional technologies such as MBBR/SBR/ASP. The technology was developed by Prof H.S Shankar's group at I.I.T Bombay and in over 30 years of sustained work multiple PhD, Masters, Bachelor students and Research scholars have developed methods to harness the power of soil. Technologies developed under this aegis have been patented in India and US.
VEC has demonstrated these technologies in its service to various industries, institutions and communities across India and the World. More than 400 CAMUS plants have been successfully running across India with an installed capacity of ~400 MLD (~Water generated by 3 Million people equivalents) until April 2023. 400 MLD of projects using Soil Ecology type solutions constitutes largest portfolio of nature based waste water treatment globally.
Our vision is to provide smart sanitation and wastewater treatment solutions to create a sustainable world. We are proud to share that our technology contributes directly to the Goal 6: Sustainable Water Management and Sanitation of the Sustainable Development Goals-2030.
Vision Earthcare (VEC) is the Prime Technology Provider providing design, specialties, project management, commissioning and O&M/AMC services for natural ecofriendly technologies developed by various Research Groups (Public and Private) under Soil BioTechnology®/ CAMUS®/ SBT® brand.
VEC functions as a nature based solutions (NBS) technology firm with the mandate to create/integrate sustainable waste recycling technology alternatives by deploying the genius encoded within the earth's ecosystems, together with engineering innovations that make Waste Treatment very simple. VEC has used the unique power of soil ecology for waste recycling called marketed under the brands CAMUS ® (Continuous Advanced Mite Utilizing System) / SBT ® (Soil Bio Technology).
VEC's Nature Based Technologies have proven track record to treat sewage (domestic wastewater) and other industrial waste water effectively and economically with over 150 nos (~100MLD) SBT type sewage treatment plant (STP)and effluent treatment plants (ETP) have been installed across India over the last 20 years and nearly 250Nos (~300 MLD) CAMUS type STPs and ETPs have been installed across India
CAMUS® consumes less energy i.e. almost 1/3 of the conventional STPs. This technology was developed by Prof H.S Shankar's group at I.I.T Bombay and in over 30 years of sustained work multiple PhD, Masters, Bachelor students and Research scholars have developed methods to harness the power of soil. Technologies developed under this aegis have been patented in India .
VEC has demonstrated these technologies in its service to various industries, institutions and communities across India and the World. More than 100 SBT plants (until 2018) have been successfully running across India with an installed capacity of 45 MLD (~Water generated by 4.5 Lac people equivalents) . Our vision is to provide smart sanitation and wastewater treatment solutions to create a sustainable world. We are proud to share that our technology contributes directly to the Goal 6: Sustainable Water Management and Sanitation of the Sustainable Development Goals-2030.
Features of the VEC technology solutions : Soil Bio Technology® (SBT®) / Continuous Advanced Mite Utilizing System (CAMUS®) are described below
CAMUS is a green technology. It is purely based on the bio-mimicry and a circular technology
CAMUS can handle the fluctuating loads up to 150% smoothly without any operational problems
CAMUS is the energy efficient and consumes almost 1/3 less energy compared to the conventional technologies.
Some of the national & international credentials of SBT are as:
CAMUS has received regulatory approval from CPHEEO
The Ministry of External Affairs, GoI, has recognized SBT as best innovations.
Siemens (International) have acknowledged and awarded SBT as best innovation
Ministry of Defence , Airport Authority of India has listed SBT for water recycling
Acknowledged by NABARD for Rural Sanitation
Working with Uttarakhand PeyJal Nigam, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran etc.
Technology working in Municipal Corporations such as Bombay Municipal Corporation, Brihat Bangalore Municipal Corporation, etc.
Listed as green buildings service provider on IGBC.
Offices and Team
Mumbai (Head / Corporate Office)
Vision Earthcare Pvt Ltd
6th Floor Workloft, Der Deustche Parkz,
Raycon IT Park, Nahur (W) Mumbai 400078
Tel: +91 2227718444 / Whatsapp +91 9987542130
Branch Operations
Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Pune, Nagpur, Vizag