“SBT is a wastewater treatment process, which is based on a bio-conversion process where fundamental reactions of nature, namely respiration, photosynthesis and mineral weathering take place in a media housing micro & macro organisms which bring about the desired purification. SBT is an oxygen supplying biological engine and so the process can treat all types of water – Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for domestic/residential municipal clients and Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for Industrial clients.”
Few features of the technology
SBT uses only natural materials and it is 100% ecological.
SBT allows user start-stop mode of operation and the plant can be run in intermittent mode, batch mode and continuous mode as per site conditions allowing 100% mission availability under varying conditions.
SBT/CAMUS-SBT can easily handle 150% peak loads for a few days by increasing running times as the situation demands.
SBT/CAMUS-SBT is capable of tertiary treatment (removal of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and heavy metals). Treated water is antiseptic due to high Dissolved Oxygen levels unlike other treatment technologies.
Some of the national & international credentials of SBT are as:
The Ministry of External Affairs, GoI, has recognized SBT as best innovations.
Siemens (International) have acknowledged and awarded SBT as best innovation
Ministry of Defence , Airport Authority of India has listed SBT for water recycling
Acknowledged by NABARD for Rural Sanitation
Working with Uttarakhand PeyJal Nigam, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran etc.
SBT is already in the domain of Municipal Corporation such as Bombay Municipal Corporation, Brihat Bangalore Municipal Corporation, etc.
SBT Technology holds the promising solutions for water security of the country via:
Domestic Sewage/Wastewater Recycling
River cleaning to revive ailing River ecosystem
Industrial Effluent treatment to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge norms